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Volunteer Work

I am always eager to explore different fields and expand my skillset through volunteer work and side projects.

2024 UX Open Workshop & Mentor 

Workshop Host & Design Mentor

I hosted an in-person workshop for 40+ participants on "Conducting User Research for a Product," and mentored multiple teams as a Design Mentor. 2 of my mentored teams won awards at the hackathon for their innovative projects.

2024 Art Vancouver Volunteer

Program Assistance, Art Ambassador, and Impromptu Translator

I provided volunteer assistance for a variety of purposes, including program assistance, Art Ambassador, front desk and impromptu translation for live painting demonstration.

Eunoia UX Design Jam 2024 Mentor

Team Mentor

I mentored a team of 4 at the 2024 Eunoia UX Design Jam by providing UX advice and tips to them throughout the event.

PeerSide Chats Podcast Interviewee

Episode "Keep on Learning: Break into UX Research with Ying Chen"

I was invited onto PeerSide Chat Podcast to share my experience breaking into UX research from a background of English and marketing research. 

Skunkworks 2022: Technology Accelerator Award

Technology Accelerator Award for Woundification App at Skunkworks 2022 hackathon hosted by Providence Health Care

Over the course of two short days, our team designed an app that would help people take early action to treat wounds. The app was further developed with the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver.

Cycling Influencer for Merida

English cycling influencer for Taiwan's bicycle brand Merida's New REACTO

Taiwan's Bicycle Association invited 12 influential brands from Taiwan's bicycle industry to showcase their flagship products on social media with the help of 12 unique influencers. 


I served as a museum volunteer guide and helped visitors at the Museum of National Taipei University of Education and National Center of Photography and Images.

English Instructor
& Writing Tutor

After graduating from my alma mater - Fu Jen Catholic University - I taught English language & culture workshops and tutored university students on English writing at FJU.

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