Rebranding Brizon Stepwing Project
Project Length: 6 months
My role: Assisntant Project Manager & User Experience Researcher
Team Structure:
Sector: Manufacturing industry
Utilized skills:
Competitor Analysis, Market Research
User interviews
Observation, Open Coding, Thematic Analysis
Adobe Creative Suite (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, Audition)
Stakeholder management and communication
Project Processes:
Step 1: understanding product strengths/weaknesses: Researched and analyzed the UX of Brizon's Stepwing product using mixed-methods survey with 46 target users
Step 2: understanding the market: Identified product competitors with SWOT and 4P analysis
Step 3: investigating user's journeys of using the product for workout (from start to finish): Planned and conducted contextual inquiries with spin coaches, physical therapists, and leisure cyclists to construct users' journey maps
Step 4: extracting target users' needs and desires for product redesign: Analyzed focus group data to redesign Brizon's Stepwing business model
Step 5: Researched Brizon's global market and expanded it to 5 new markets (China, Finland, UK , Switzerland, France)
My Learnings:

Project Video: