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Design Guidelines for Social VR Meditations as Additional Feature to Combine with Solo-User VR Meditations
Project Length:
Research Project: 4 months
Courses taken:
Topics in Human-Computer Interaction: Designing Augmented and Virtual Reality Experiences from UBC's Computer Science department
XR Development with Circuit Stream
My role: XR Researcher & Designer
Platform: VR Headset (e.g. Oculus Quest 2)
Tools used: Figjam, Unity
Utilized skills:
Competitor Analysis, Marketing Research
User Testing: semi-structured interviews (with VR headsets)
Observation, Open Coding, Thematic Analysis
Design Thinking for XR Design
XR Development Skills (including C# coding)
Presentation Venue:
UBC's Designing for People 2022 Design Showcase (
Research Project Poster:

Project Video:
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