Games User Research
Length: July 2023 to Sept. 2024
My role: Associate User Researcher
My work included conducting research on various game genres across multiple platforms (e.g., console, mobile, PC, VR), and the skills utilized include:
Intensive Longtitudinal Diary Studies: understanding player's behavior over multiple days
Qualitative coding for data analysis
Participant phone recruitment
Survey question design
Data cleaning with Python
Authored 70+ page reports
In-person usability playtests: observed players play a game and interviewed them to understand player pain points
Designed usability testing interview questions
Observed players in the lab and took observation notes
Interviewed players 1-on-1 in the lab
Expert Game Design Review: reviewed games based on heuristic evaluation, cognitive and accessibility design principles to identify points of improvement
Evaluation of game features and design
Authored reports
Provide recommendations for improvement
Game UI screen evaluation: evaluate information architecture of game screens and provide solutions in Figma wireframes
Evaluation of game screens and information architecture
Wireframing in Figma
XR game market and design research: researched XR gaming market and XR game designs to expand studios' business offerings
Researched XR gaming market and design dimensions
Conducted expert game design review on XR game